Certification of Origin

Solution Overview

Market Problem

At present, an end-user cannot with any certainty delineate the origin of a unit of hydrogen. Whether coal, natural gas, or renewable sources have been inputs in the production process, the result is simply hydrogen. Early industry adoption will be primarily driven by companies, organisations, or governments opting to pay the higher price, which aligns with their social commitments and statutory obligations to climate change mitigation. Without trusted certification that their supply of hydrogen has been produced with limited carbon emission, industry uptake will be restricted. There is little incentive for firms to re-engineer their business model around the pursuit of green hydrogen if there is no consistent metric being used when adjudicating their practices.

Solution: Hydrogen Attribute Certificates

The HydroLink Platform will offer green hydrogen certification to consumers and supply chain participants. The report will comprise two core elements: environmental impact audits and transactional audits. First, environmental impact audits will be used to assess the sustainability practices employed in the production of green hydrogen. Secondly, transactional audits will be utilised by other participants in the supply chain to certify the exchange of hydrogen between counterparties. Downstream suppliers, distributors, and end-use consumers can utilise the network to ensure that each stage in the supply chain is following social and environmentally preservative practices.

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